Saturday, April 08, 2006

Modern Boy Scout

I am all for states rights. If Texas wants to lock up sodomites and execute abortion doctors and Kansas wants to teach intelligent design in the science classroom, I say, let 'em.

But then I’m getting ready to move to a safer and saner place if necessary. Smart people with enough money and other resources did this in pre-war Germany.

Unless self-delusion is operating here, it's positive and motivating to be prepared, and determined, and long-sighted--financially and spiritually.

I’m planning to make a big stink on my way out--out of the state, the job or the institution where good people are forced to hurt other people instead of help them.

I’m convinced that this stink will be my duty, and that it's possible to achieve without burning bridges or cutting off my nose to spite my face.

Wherever the system is being manipulated to oppress others, be prepared to vote with your suitcase. That's a boycott I can get behind.


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