Saturday, April 15, 2006

They’re All Dorks

I am not optimistic about finding worthy candidates.

Hillary and Nancy are so cold and humorless it's scary. Yes, male chauvinism may play a part here--women are supposed to be warm and gentle and nurturing.

It's OK for men to be cold and humorless. Think Gore, Kucinich and Kennedy--with Leiberman setting the curve.

No, the Democrats are no cup of cafe con leche either, not if you want Yin and Yang. But at least many of them are smart, and many of them really do seem to care.

If they just weren't such equivocating, double-talking, game-playing lawyers. If only they could be moderate synthesizers, with spirit and heart--like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

We may want leaders with intelligence and winning but real personalities, but would glady settle for leaders with courage and conviction.


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