Sunday, May 14, 2006

Come Out to Play

Too serious and sensitive for abandon to play when young, in their dotage Capricorns can have a first childhood, at a time when their contemporaries are having their second.

It's easier when you are retired, and encouraged by others, for the propriety learned at the man's knee is hard to shake. And, too, there is nothing sillier-looking than old geezers kicking up their heels--except possibly for penises.

At first I thought the blog would be some kind of mystical bulletin board for a karass of the like-minded. Now I like the efficiency. Instead of forwarding cyberwisdom I can put the links here. Check out Bikini Science and Soulforce.

Instead of weblog think e-log--a neopostmodern bastard. Now that's some fun. I’d like to get e-mails instead of comments, which remind me of chat rooms.

I started a list of movies that blew me away. Send me some of your favorites. I’m sure I can bump something off my list with a film that left you breathless for whatever reason.

I still don't know what I want to do here, except have fun. For sure, 200 words or less is fun.


Blogger fauxtaographer said...

Capote. Saw it along with about 30 old codgers in a library up in the southern mountains. The movie started and we all winced at the guy trying to play Capote - he clearly didn't have what this role required. But then we all got lost. 45 minutes later people were frozen in the position they were in when the movie started, popcorn bags still full. Nobody was breathing - they were all staring vacantly into the screen as each slowly became Capote themselves. A love story? Yeah, but with a hell of a twist. It's a movie you can't really see - not the first time at least.

9:33 PM  

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